About Us
Established in 2007, Zurround is an IT consultancy based in Australia that specialises in development of custom applications. Zurround and its people have a history of experience of with commercial and government clients and have experience working in most industry sectors. Today Zurround focuses heavily on development of mobile centric systems and have particular strengths in the area of developing cross platform mobile applications that are natively fast to run and provide a rewarding user experience, something that we feel is not being down well by others in the market place yet critical to the success of a mobile project. Zurround is heavily research focused and believes the best way to successfully deliever a project is by developing both strong repeatable processes and reusable and tuned mobile techniques. Although mobile development is often done in conjunction with web systems, CMS systems and with integration to traditional software technology it must be recognised that mobile development is significantly different in all aspects from the market focus through to the technical challenges faced in making the solution work on multiple mobile platforms.
Research and Development
Work for Mobiliser